Monday, August 08, 2005

Just tickled

Madison did the cutest thing last night. We put her to bed, and after a while we thought we heard her fussing. After listening closer, we realized she was laughing. We peeked in on her, and there she was, just lying in her crib giggling away at who-knows-what. Something had really tickled her funny bone. Oh, to be able to crawl into that little mind and find out what was going on in there! Jay and I both really got a kick out of the whole thing. It was definitely one of those "Oh my God! She is so great!" moments.

I'm going to hang on to that little moment this week, as she and I are both dealing with a cold, and Jay is out of town until Thursday. I have a feeling I'm going to be a little worn out by the time he gets home.


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