Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Moving on up

Well, we finally found a house we both (supposedly) agree on, and we close on 9/23. I say supposedly, because we both have been having the "big purchase jitters". I'm sure once we get moved in and settled we'll be perfectly happy with the decision. I hope. Otherwise that's a pretty big oops. It's got a sprinkler system, so it's worth the move right there, really. But most importantly, it has an extra bedroom, which hopefully we'll be filling in another year or so. Pretty much the whole point of finding a new house.

So we're getting the current abode tidied and spruced up to be shown to prospective buyers. Not an easy task with the little one hanging on me. I'm trying desperately to spend quality time with her AND get things done. Very tricky. Not sure I'm succeeding at either.

I hope the little one does well with the move. She's a pretty easy going girl, and I don't expect her to be too upset by it. She seemed to like the new place when we looked at it, especially crawling into the cupboards and sitting on the low hearth. We'll see how it goes. The next month or so will be pretty chaotic, as we're taking a road trip to Colorado for a friend's wedding and to see family, then we'll be packing for the next few weeks, then the big move. I'm going to try to keep as much of her regular schedule during all of this as possible, so it hopefully won't be as hard on her.


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