Saturday, May 03, 2008

End of the School Year

We went to Little M's end-of-the-year school program yesterday, and their first annual "Spring Fling" family carnival in the evening. Is there anything more fun than a bunch of little kids standing on a stage, singing off-time and out of tune? It was delightful! The shy ones, the hams, the ones posing and playing to the crowd. I admit, I got a little sentimental about the whole thing, even though it's only the end of 3's preschool... not high school graduation, for pity's sake! Her teacher made a scrapbook for each student with photos through the year. Very cool!

The carnival was way more fun than I was expecting. There was bbq, of course, and lots of other things to eat. Turn out was great, and included some of my favorite other parents. We got a little rowdy during the chicken dance, and I'm surprised there wasn't more trouble during the water balloon toss, but mostly we behaved. M wasn't too interested in the games, though she played the beanbag toss, since Miss E was running it. On parents night out, M chooses to hang in the 2's room, just so she can be with Miss E.

Her favorites were the two different blow-up jumpy things, which everyone loves. The kids have a blast, and the parents enjoy that kids burn lots of energy. And believe me, our little coyote has a LOT of energy to burn. She had no trouble keeping up with the two H boys, and they were quite the trio.

All-in-all, it's been a great school year. Only two weeks left, and then she's off for two weeks. Then it's time for Summer School!


At 7:20 AM, Blogger ChemMom said...

Sweet pictures! I hope I remember to send you mine.

At 9:54 AM, Blogger Johnson-n-Johnson said...

I didn't know you had a blog!!! I tried to call you and Uncle Jay, but you weren't home when I called. How are you guys? Where are you living? Is it somewhere close to Nebraska where we could meet in the middle? I love you guys. Kiss "M" for me.



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