Sunday, June 08, 2008

Chalk Art

I love watching M be creative. Her drawings have really been getting fun lately, and I especially enjoyed this chalk drawing she did of a girl in a rainbow skirt, with her cat on a leash. Yes, it's a cat. I asked. Note the high-heeled shoes. She's been asking for "shoes with heels" lately. Probably because all the Disney Princesses have shoes with heels. Certainly she doesn't see her mom wearing them very often! Running shoes are more my style. Or flip-flops.

We've been going through an interesting phase where M will ask me to draw things for her because she can't draw them "perfect". I distinctly remember having similar conversations with my mom when I was little. So we're working on "there's no such thing as perfect", and "you get better with practice", and we've started looking for examples of things she wants to draw, so she can see how to do it. It seems to be helping, and she's getting frustrated less. And her work is quite outstanding, of course!


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