Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Wow, what a tantrum

Our little coyote had a most impressive tantrum in the store today. It was the first time I actually had to leave my cart full of stuff and haul her out to the car and go home. Truly outstanding work on her part, I must say. All because she couldn't sit in the basket part of the cart. I have to commend her persistence. Little does she know that her mommy can and will outstubborn her. Hopefully she'll figure that out sooner rather than later.

Unfortunately, I still need to go shopping, and Jay is out of town. Fortunately, he gets home late tonight, so I can try again tomorrow with the little dickens, and if things go similarly, she'll have another golden learning opportunity, and I can go back by myself after dinner.

Where are the medals of honor for keeping my cool while she was having her meltdown in public? I swear to you, I even had a small, pleasant smile as I wrangled my wiggly-squiggly-screaming girl through the store toward the doors. I was kind of trying not to laugh, though I can't say now why I thought it was funny. I will say, there were relatively few folks giving me the evil eye for having such an "unruly and loud" child. Most people seemed somewhat amused by the free show. Or maybe that was my imagination.

Anyway, I guess she's ready to be 2!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

What's so funny about that?

What's better than a little girl laughing hysterically? Nothing, I say! We took M and the dogs to the park the other evening for a family stroll, and the drive over there was even more fun than the walking. The black dog was in the back with M and she (the dog) had her head out the window. For some reason, and I really wish I knew why, M thought this was fantastically funny. Thank goodness she's still in diapers because I'm certain she must've peed herself, she was laughing so much. We were quite perplexed. What's so funny about a dog with it's head out the window? But you know how contagious laughing is. So there we all were, driving down the road, laughing. Well, the white dog wasn't laughing. She hardly seemed amused at all. But she did seem pleased that she got to ride on my lap instead of in the back with that pesky black dog and crazy little girl.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

First Day

I took our little coyote in for a drop-in half day at the daycare on Friday. Kind of a trial, "ease me into it" thing. It was only for 2 1/2 hours and it went very well. She barely acknowledged that I left, and when it was time to pick her up, she threw a fit because she wanted to stay longer. She pulled one of her favorite tricks during painting time by getting a good swipe of blue all over her face, so I see she isn't holding back. Looks like this will all go pretty well. I'm curious to see how she does with naptime during a full day, though. Maybe I'll try a full day drop-in next week.

Monday, May 01, 2006

I did it!

Yes, I really did. I did it. I signed our little coyote up for daycare. She is officially registered for a Parents Day Out program two days a week for the summer session (starting June 5, which feels like a million years away), and I even have a place reserved for her in the Fall. I will really and truly be leaving my little M in someone else's care all day twice a week. I'm getting to be such a big girl!

One of the days she will be in class with her little friend "Busy", which I know she'll enjoy. I'm looking forward to her having the opportunity to make lots of new little friends, and to be away from me more. This will be much harder on me, but I'm also looking forward to having some time on my own. I haven't been great at finding time for myself in the last two years, and I think I'm overdue. So wish me luck!