New Set of Wheels
A journal of my adventures in parenting.
Hey, look at me keeping this recent blog momentum going!
Well, the trouble makers really went all out today! Little M and her best friend Busy had a playdate today while we moms were painting Busy's family room. We should have known something was up when they were getting along so well and being quiet in Busy's room. The smell of baby powder in the stairway didn't bode well. The dense fog and triumphant giggles of something that sounded like "magic fairy dust!" cinched it. A few too many unsupervised minutes and a large container of baby powder can result in quite a mess. Combine two little girls, who happen to be running around completely naked and covered in white powder, with two exhausted moms who have been painting for two days, and this scene had the potential to go very bad very fast. Of course, we're both Super Moms, so we shut the door again while we briefly controlled our own fits of giggles. When we finally had our "serious" faces on again, we directed the girls in helping wipe off toys while we vacuumed and cleaned. I'm sure Busy's mom will still be dusting and vacuuming that stuff up for months. Both girls will have to give a dollar each of their own money to pay for the powder they've wasted, and they are restricted from playing with each other for a week, except at school. I'll also be helping Madison write an apology note. Excellent letter practice! Ooooooooh, Sneaky Mom!